Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What is Emsculpt Neo?

Emsculpt NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that uses RF or radiofrequency heating for fat reduction and high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) for muscle strengthening and toning in a 30-minute session. The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single gold standard product, for less time and less money. Best of all, Emsculpt NEO has a broad patient appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35.  At Shape Med Centers its the ONLY treatment we perform so our team are experts in the use of this amazing new technology.

2. How does Emsculpt NEO work?

Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies. Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout.

In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat.

Bypassing the brain limitations, HIFEM+ energy contracts 100% of the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. On average the muscle volume increases by 25%

3. Who is the right candidate for Emsculpt NEO?

If you can benefit from less fat and more muscle, EMSCULPT NEO procedure may be a great fit. The best place to start your journey with Emsculpt NEO is contacting a Shape Med Centers Emsculpt NEO expert at 844-715-0111 or request your free consultation here, book consult.

4. What areas can be treated with Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO can be applied over the abdomen, lateral abs, buttocks, thighs, arms & calves.  In terms most of our clients understand we can treat the abs, booty, love handles, bat wings and inner and outer thighs.  Its all we do at Shape Med Centers so our team is 100% focused on “reshaping” your body with Emsculpt NEO.

5. Does Emsculpt NEO really work?

Yes! EMSCULPT NEO and the embedded high intensity magnetic field (HIFEM) technology has been clinically tested for safety and efficacy through seven clinical studies*. Moreover, 30 scientific publications make HIFEM the most intensively researched body contouring technology since its introduction in 2018

6. How is Emsculpt NEO procedure performed?

The Emsculpt NEO procedure is simple and easy. There is no pre-preparation required for this procedure. During your treatment at Shape Med Centers, you will lay down while the applicators are applied over the treatment area for 30 minutes. During the treatment you may feel intense yet tolerable muscle contractions along with heating sensation which is comparable to hot stone massage. Once the procedure is completed, you can immediately get back to your daily routine.

7. How many Emsculpt NEO treatments will I need?

Protocol for Emsculpt NEO is usually four 30-minute treatments, scheduled 5-10 days apart. Your Shape Med Centers Emsculpt NEO EM Tech will provide more information when you contact us for your free consultation.   To do so, you can call our office directly at 844-715-0111 or book right online here.

8. How long does it take to see the final result of Emsculpt NEO procedure?

Each patients results may vary but the best time to see the final results is 8 to 12 weeks after the last treatment.   Many Shape Med Centers patients do see some results early, even right after the last treatment, but it will take your body a full 8-12 weeks to see final results.

9. What is the downtime of Emsculpt NEO?

This is a real beauty of Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers.   There is no downtime with this procedure. You can get back to your daily routine right after the treatment.

10. Is Emsculpt NEO suitable for patients with BMI up to 35?

YES! Emsculpt NEO can treat patients with BMI up to 35.  The best place to learn more is to set up a free consultation at Shape Med Centers.  Call our office directly at 844-715-0111 or book right online here.  Our team of EM Techs will sit down with you individually and talk about your goals in reshaping your body.

11. What is the difference between Emsculpt NEO and CoolSculpting?

Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers and CoolSculpting are both popular non-invasive body sculpting treatments, but they utilize different technologies and target different aspects of body contouring.

  1. Technology:

    • Emsculpt NEO: It uses a combination of radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to simultaneously reduce fat and build muscle. The RF energy heats the tissue, preparing it for muscle contractions induced by the HIFEM technology. These muscle contractions are intense and help to strengthen and tone the muscles, while the heating effect can also help with fat reduction and skin tightening.
    • CoolSculpting: It uses a process called cryolipolysis, which freezes and destroys fat cells. The treatment involves placing a specialized applicator on the targeted area, which then cools the fat cells to a temperature that triggers their natural death. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these dead fat cells through its lymphatic system.
  2. Targeted Areas:

    • Emsculpt NEO: Primarily targets muscle building and fat reduction in specific areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs. It’s particularly effective for individuals looking to enhance muscle tone and definition in addition to reducing fat.
    • CoolSculpting: Primarily targets fat reduction in areas with stubborn fat deposits, such as the abdomen, love handles, thighs, and under the chin. It’s ideal for individuals who want to address localized pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.
  3. Treatment Duration and Results:

    • Emsculpt NEO: A typical treatment session lasts about 30 minutes, and most individuals require a series of sessions spaced several days apart for optimal results. Many people report seeing improvement in muscle tone and fat reduction after a few sessions, with continued improvement over the following weeks.
    • CoolSculpting: Treatment sessions typically last one hour per treated area, and multiple sessions may be needed to achieve desired results. Results are not immediate and may take several weeks to become noticeable as the body gradually eliminates the treated fat cells.
  4. Side Effects:

    • Emsculpt NEO: Side effects are generally mild and may include muscle soreness, redness, or swelling in the treated area. These effects typically resolve within a few days.
    • CoolSculpting: Common side effects include temporary numbness, tingling, bruising, or redness at the treatment site. These effects usually subside on their own within a few days to weeks. There is also another more rare issue called hyperplasia, which is a serious condition where the fat actually increases into a hard bulge that normally needs surgical intervention.

Ultimately, the choice between Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers and CoolSculpting depends on individual goals, preferences, and the areas of concern. Our findings have been that Emsculpt NEO gives patients two treatments in one and is the better overall choice for more patients.

12. What happens to the fat that is eliminated by Emsculpt NEO procedure? Will the fat come back?

After the treatment at Shape Med Centers.   the dead fat cells are flushed out from the body through metabolic processes. The rest is flushed out by the body primarily in the lymphatic system and through the body’s natural waste elimination process.  Once these fat cells are gone they do NOT come back.  Fat cells contract and expand as we gain or lose weight, they don’t increase in number after puberty.  Thats the beauty of destroying them with RF (radio frequency).   Once they are gone they are gone for good!

13. Are there any special supplements or diets I need to follow before or after the Emsculpt NEO treatment?

The Emsculpt NEO treatment at Shape Med Centers does not require any pre-treatment preparations, although we do ask that you are fully hydrated before starting treatment with us. You can resume your regular lifestyle right after the treatment.   It is recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and proper hydration for best results.

14. Will I lose weight with Emsculpt NEO?

No, Emsculpt NEO procedure at Shape Med Centers does not help with weight reduction. The therapy helps reduce your fat and build your muscles.

15. Is Emsculpt NEO painful?

Emsculpt NEO treatments at Shape Med Centers may feel intense but should never be painful.

16. How does Emsculpt NEO compare to liposuction and non-invasive device alternatives?

Liposuction cannot be compared with Emsculpt NEO as Emsculpt NEO is a completely non-invasive procedure. It does not require surgery, needles, anesthesia, or any downtime. There is no other device in the aesthetic field that treats both fat and muscle in a single treatment.   The beauty of Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers is there is NO downtime like you would have with liposuction or surgery.   Other non invasive treatments will treat just fat or just muscle, Emsculpt NEO does both.   Its basically a 2 for 1 treatment and we are the experts!

17. What if the patient has lower BMI and is interested only in muscle building? Is there a benefit for Emsculpt NEO´s slimmer patients?

Even slimmer patients interested in muscle building can enjoy significant benefits when using the Emsculpt NEO at Shape Med Centers. Clinical studies showed on average a 25% growth in muscle mass.

18. What is EXION at Shape Med Centers?

EXION is the newest multiplatform device that is designed to tighten, smooth, reduce wrinkles and increase collegan and elastin in the face and body.  Offering 3 unique applicators that each perform a different benefits for our patients.

19. What does the EXION Face Applicator do?

Utilizing a patented blend of Monopolar Radiofrequency and Targeted Ultrasound, the EXION Face Applicator at Shape Med Centers stimulates the deep layers of the skin.  This stimulation increases hyaluronic acid, collegen and elastin production, which significantly enhances the skins appearance and overall health.  Benefits include Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction and Improved Skin Texture.

20. What does the EXION Body Applicator do?

The treatments utilizes a patented blend of Monopolar RadioFrequency and Targeted Ultrasound.  The EXION Body Applicator at Shape Med Centers stimulates the deep layers of the skin on the body.  The device increases hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which enhances skin’s overall appearance.  The treatment can also be used for localized fat reduction.

The benefits to our Shape Med Centers patients are skin tightening, cellulite reduction and fat reduction in the area/s treated.

21. What does the EXION Fractional RF Applicator do?

This newest skin treatment combines monopolor radiofrequency (RF) and AI for precise energy delivery to deeper skin layers.  As a result, Shape Med Centers patients can achieve significant improvements in skin texture, often without the usual discomfort of deep tissue treatments.

The benefits to our patients are skin resurfacing, wrinkle reduction, pigmentation improvement and acne scar reductions.

22. How does the EXION Face/Body Applicator work?

EXION Face or Body at Shape Med Centers is a quick and easy treatment that delivers heating throughout the treated area, ulilizing a provider led handpiece.  The heat stimulates collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production for skin tightening and firming.

23. Does EXION Face/Body hurt?

While the EXION Face or Body Applicator at Shape Med Centers does heat the treated area, you will feel plesant and comfortable heat.  Following the treatment you may notice mild redness and swelling in the treatment area.  This usually disappears within a few hours.  You may resume all normal activities immediately after treatment

24. How long does the EXION Face/Body treatment take?

Each treatment at Shape Med Centers take 8-30 minutes, depending on which area(s) are to be treated, and is performed 1 time a week, for typically 4 weeks.

25. When will I see results with the EXION Face/Body Applicator

You may observe improvement after a single session at Shape Med Centers.  The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks.

26. How much does EXION cost?

Cost for any of the EXION treatments at Shape Med Centers varies based on your treatment plan.  We treat over 23 different areas of the face and body with EXION so depending on what areas you treat will dictate your cost.  We recommend coming into the office for a no obligation, complimentary consultation to see if EXION is right for you.  Keep in mind we do offer montly promotions and we even offer montly financing of treatments with 0% interest options.

27. How does EXION Fraction RF Microneedling work?

Exion RF Miconeedling at Shape Med Centers is a quick and easy to perform treatment ulitizing 36 gold microneedles, to penetrate the dermal layer, delievering radio frequency energy deep within the skin layers.  This addresses skin texture, scaring and deep lines/wrinkles.

28. Does EXION RF Microneedling hurt?

EXION RF Microneedling at Shape Med Centers is a very comfortable treatment, typically performed after a short numbing period.  BTL technology allows for single pass treatment, and deep tissue penetration beyond needle insertion for less pain.  Contrary to traditional microneedling on the market, EXION at Shape Med Centers is extremely tolerable and comfortable.

29. When will I see results with EXION RF Microneedling

Many of our patients will see improvement after a single session.  Most, however, will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks.

30. How long does the EXION RF Microneedling treatment take?

Each EXION RF Microneedling treatment at Shape Med Centers can take between 8 and 30 minutes depending on the area/s treated.  Many patients will also choose to treat areas of the body as well as the face and those treatments can take time to perform.  Treatments are normally once a week for 3 consecutive weeks.

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